

You can view the starch of your choice from the drop-down list of common names and can explore the database by combining different criteria by checking the AND/OR option. To restrict the selection obtained, please return to the previous selection (click Back) and select a new criterion. You can access all the information available for each starch in the summary sheet.

You can search for a specific starch by typing its English, French or Latin name.


You can register a new starch. The new starch can be declared as "Public" (free access on the internet) or "Private" (protected for research purpose).

After having selected a starch in the list, click on "Edit" to modify the information and images of an existing starch. If a specific feature has not been defined yet, put 0 in the corresponding field instead of 1 (default value). You can also delete the whole record by clicking on the cross (= Delete).